1. 康宁新推出的类苹果陶瓷玻璃可能会让您的下一部手机免于灾难 00:02 Corning’s new Apple-like ceramic glass might save your next phone from disaster (arstechnica.com)
2. 特朗普恼怒史密森尼学会没有宣传名誉扫地的种族观念 03-28 Trump annoyed the Smithsonian isn’t promoting discredited racial ideas (arstechnica.com)
3. 如何看待任天堂提及的新 "Switch 2 版游戏" 03-28 What to make of Nintendo’s mention of new “Switch 2 Edition games” (arstechnica.com)
4. Gran Turismo 7(跑车浪漫旅 7)》升级了 NPC,改进了 GT Sophy AI 03-28 Gran Turismo 7 gets an NPC upgrade with improved GT Sophy AI (arstechnica.com)
5. Tel''Aran''Rhiod 终于出现了--时间之轮揭示了梦幻世界 03-28 Tel‘Aran’Rhiod at last—the Wheel of Time reveals the world of dreams (arstechnica.com)
6. 欧盟将从轻处罚苹果和 Facebook 以避免特朗普的愤怒 03-28 EU will go easy with Apple, Facebook punishment to avoid Trump’s wrath (arstechnica.com)
7. 双子座黑客可以借助......双子座的帮助,发动更猛烈的攻击 03-28 Gemini hackers can deliver more potent attacks with a helping hand from… Gemini (arstechnica.com)
8. 火箭报告:斯托克城被点燃;主权成为欧洲热词 03-28 Rocket Report: Stoke is stoked; sovereignty is the buzzword in Europe (arstechnica.com)
9. 美国联邦贸易委员会民主党人在被赶下台后告诉法庭,特朗普不能解雇我们 03-28 Trump can’t fire us, FTC Democrats tell court after being ejected from office (arstechnica.com)
10. 对 Lyft 共享出行数据的研究证实,少数族裔收到的罚单更多 03-28 Study of Lyft rideshare data confirms minorities get more tickets (arstechnica.com)
11. 谷歌发布地图截图分析和人工智能行程,帮助您规划旅行 03-28 Google announces Maps screenshot analysis, AI itineraries to help you plan trips (arstechnica.com)
12. Discord 计划在今年进行首次公开募股,大变革可能即将来临 03-28 Discord is planning an IPO this year, and big changes could be on the horizon (arstechnica.com)
13. 埃隆-马斯克和特朗普赢得了为 DOGE 的工作保密的斗争 03-28 Elon Musk and Trump win fight to keep DOGE’s work secret (arstechnica.com)
14. 永恒之柱》将采用回合制战斗,但要求重玩 03-28 Pillars of Eternity is getting turn-based combat, all but demanding replays (arstechnica.com)
15. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)面临削减经费,中国则提出了雄心勃勃的行星探索计划 03-28 As NASA faces cuts, China reveals ambitious plans for planetary exploration (arstechnica.com)
16. "这将是一段痛苦的时期小肯尼迪削减美国卫生部24%的经费 03-28 “This will be a painful period”: RFK Jr. slashes 24% of US health dept. (arstechnica.com)
17. 任天堂共享数字 Switch 游戏的新系统详解 03-27 Nintendo’s new system for sharing digital Switch games, explained (arstechnica.com)
18. 研究人员从一对晶体管中获得尖峰神经行为 03-27 Researchers get spiking neural behavior out of a pair of transistors (arstechnica.com)
19. 也许特朗普应该继续称他的导弹防御系统为 "铁穹"(Iron Dome)。 03-27 Maybe Trump should go back to calling his missile shield the Iron Dome (arstechnica.com)
20. 特朗普对所有进口商品征收 25% 关税,汽车业将面临混乱局面 03-27 Auto industry braces for chaos as Trump sets 25% tariff on all imports (arstechnica.com)
21. 英特尔前首席执行官:台积电的千亿美元承诺不会让美国芯片制造复活 03-27 TSMC’s 100 billion pledge won’t resurrect US chipmaking, says Intel’s ex-CEO (arstechnica.com)
22. OpenAI 的新人工智能图像生成器功能强大,势必会引发争议 03-27 OpenAI’s new AI image generator is potent and bound to provoke (arstechnica.com)
23. 行驶 5000 万英里后,Waymos 比人类驾驶员更少撞车 03-27 After 50 million miles, Waymos crash a lot less than human drivers (arstechnica.com)
24. 航天器在发射途中受损后,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)表示将不再发射 03-27 After a spacecraft was damaged en route to launch, NASA says it won’t launch (arstechnica.com)
25. 在新的软件更新中,较新的 Kindle 可以解决触摸屏翻页问题 03-27 Newer Kindles get a work-around for touchscreen page-turning in new software update (arstechnica.com)
26. 麻疹在疫苗接种率低得惊人的堪萨斯州各县迅速蔓延 03-27 Measles quickly spreading in Kansas counties with alarmingly low vaccination (arstechnica.com)
27. 随着 "火神 "获得认证,太空部队不再完全依赖 SpaceX 03-27 With Vulcan’s certification, Space Force is no longer solely reliant on SpaceX (arstechnica.com)
28. 谷歌将 Android 开发私有化,并将继续发布开源版本 03-27 Google makes Android development private, will continue open source releases (arstechnica.com)
29. 短信推翻了特朗普政府关于未向记者发送轰炸计划的说法 03-27 Texts disprove Trump admin claim that no bombing plans were sent to reporter (arstechnica.com)
30. 此外,Rivian 电动汽车衍生公司希望我们 "超越汽车"。 03-27 Also, a Rivian EV spinoff, wants us to “move beyond cars” (arstechnica.com)
31. 双子座 2.5 Pro 带来了更大的数字和更好的氛围 03-26 Gemini 2.5 Pro is here with bigger numbers and great vibes (arstechnica.com)
32. 红牛将在两站比赛后解雇连姆-劳森,F1 残酷的一面显露无遗 03-26 F1’s cruel side is on show as Red Bull to fire Liam Lawson after 2 races (arstechnica.com)
33. 名誉扫地的反疫苗倡导者将领导疾控中心对疫苗和自闭症的研究 03-26 Discredited anti-vaccine advocate will lead CDC study on vaccines and autism (arstechnica.com)
34. Broadcom 的 VMware 称西门子盗用了其 "数千份 "软件拷贝 03-26 Broadcom’s VMware says Siemens pirated “thousands” of copies of its software (arstechnica.com)
35. 针对科学领域多样性工作的诉讼成倍增加 03-26 Lawsuits targeting diversity efforts in science are multiplying (arstechnica.com)
36. 全靠我们自己?大过滤器和我们寻找生命的尝试。 03-26 All by ourselves? The Great Filter and our attempts to find life. (arstechnica.com)
37. 公司赢得太空部队资助,在轨道上提供 "航空母舰 03-26 Firm wins Space Force funding to provide an “aircraft carrier” in orbit (arstechnica.com)
38. 欧空局终于有了商业发射战略,但成员国会买单吗? 03-26 ESA finally has a commercial launch strategy, but will member states pay? (arstechnica.com)
39. 小肯尼迪在高层离职潮中追回疾病预防控制中心 114 亿美元资金 03-26 RFK Jr. claws back 11.4B in CDC funding amid wave of top-level departures (arstechnica.com)
40. 开发人员称人工智能爬虫主导流量,迫使整个国家受阻 03-26 Devs say AI crawlers dominate traffic, forcing blocks on entire countries (arstechnica.com)
42. 无需云:英伟达打造以游戏为中心的人工智能聊天机器人,可在您的 GPU 上运行 03-26 No cloud needed: Nvidia creates gaming-centric AI chatbot that runs on your GPU (arstechnica.com)
43. 2.07 亿美元收购后,Napster 将成为一家音乐营销元公司 03-26 Napster to become a music-marketing metaverse firm after 207M acquisition (arstechnica.com)
44. 我们将确认偏见外包给了搜索引擎 03-26 We’ve outsourced our confirmation biases to search engines (arstechnica.com)
45. 联邦调查局调查特斯拉汽车和设施纵火案,称 "这是国内恐怖主义" 03-26 FBI probes arson of Tesla cars and facilities, says “this is domestic terrorism” (arstechnica.com)
46. 贾里德-艾萨克曼(Jared Isaacman)成为美国国家航空航天局局长的势头似乎正在形成 03-26 Momentum seems to be building for Jared Isaacman to become NASA administrator (arstechnica.com)
47. 苹果被禁止参加谷歌反垄断审判,200 亿美元搜索交易岌岌可危 03-26 Apple barred from Google antitrust trial, putting 20 billion search deal on the line (arstechnica.com)
48. 在遭受 DDOS 攻击后,暴雪首次恢复了 "硬核和风 "的死亡人数 03-26 After DDOS attacks, Blizzard rolls back Hardcore WoW deaths for the first time (arstechnica.com)
49. 报道波音公司要求特朗普政府弱化对 737 Max 坠机案的处罚 03-26 Report: Boeing asks Trump admin to weaken penalties in 737 Max crash case (arstechnica.com)
51. 欧洲正在寻找美国云提供商的替代品 03-25 Europe is looking for alternatives to US cloud providers (arstechnica.com)
52. Polestar 如何设计能够应对严冬的电动汽车 03-25 How Polestar engineers EVs that can handle brutal winters (arstechnica.com)
53. 随着准备工作的继续,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)执行阿耳特弥斯 II 飞行任务的可能性越来越大 03-25 As preps continue, it’s looking more likely NASA will fly the Artemis II mission (arstechnica.com)
54. H5N1 禽流感在世界上首次波及羊群,英国进入警戒状态 03-25 UK on alert after H5N1 bird flu spills over to sheep in world-first (arstechnica.com)
55. 现在您可以下载引发人工智能热潮的源代码了 03-25 You can now download the source code that sparked the AI boom (arstechnica.com)
56. Pixel 4a 电池坏了之后,谷歌又把我也弄坏了 03-25 After borking my Pixel 4a battery, Google borks me, too (arstechnica.com)
57. 特朗普政府意外向记者发送秘密爆炸计划短信 03-25 Trump administration accidentally texted secret bombing plans to a reporter (arstechnica.com)
58. 我们应该担心气象气球的消失吗? 03-25 Should we be concerned about the loss of weather balloons? (arstechnica.com)
59. 报道称,美国证券交易委员会现任主席只投了反对起诉埃隆-马斯克的一票 03-25 Current SEC chair cast only vote against suing Elon Musk, report says (arstechnica.com)
60. 侄子的 CD 刻录机如何启发早期的 Valve 接受 DRM 03-25 How a nephew’s CD burner inspired early Valve to embrace DRM (arstechnica.com)
61. "我的条款 "希望成为我们在网络上支配隐私的新方式 03-25 “MyTerms” wants to become the new way we dictate our privacy on the web (arstechnica.com)
62. 哎呀:谷歌称可能删除了您的地图时间轴数据 03-25 Oops: Google says it might have deleted your Maps Timeline data (arstechnica.com)
63. 红牛造了一辆无法驾驶的赛车吗?来自中国大奖赛的问题。 03-25 Did Red Bull build an undriveable car? Questions from the Chinese Grand Prix. (arstechnica.com)
65. 2025 凯迪拉克 Optiq:尺寸合理,改进了 Equinox 电动汽车 03-24 The 2025 Cadillac Optiq: Sensibly sized and improves on the Equinox EV (arstechnica.com)
66. 我们能让人工智能不那么耗电吗?这些研究人员正在努力。 03-24 Can we make AI less power-hungry? These researchers are working on it. (arstechnica.com)
68. 该发射装置即将取代 V-2 火箭,成为德国最大的火箭 03-24 This launcher is about to displace the V-2 as Germany’s largest rocket (arstechnica.com)
69. 特朗普政府为美国国际开发署制定的区块链计划令人大跌眼镜 03-23 Trump administration’s blockchain plan for USAID is a real head-scratcher (arstechnica.com)
70. 有时,技术上的小麻烦最让人头疼 03-22 Sometimes, it’s the little tech annoyances that sting the most (arstechnica.com)
71. 麻疹抵达堪萨斯州,在疫苗接种不足的县迅速蔓延 03-22 Measles arrives in Kansas, spreads quickly in undervaccinated counties (arstechnica.com)
72. 云飞公司(Cloudflare)用无休止的不相关事实迷宫让人工智能自相残杀 03-22 Cloudflare turns AI against itself with endless maze of irrelevant facts (arstechnica.com)
73. 加州法案将强制互联网服务提供商提供每月 15 美元的 100Mbps 计划 03-22 California bill would force ISPs to offer 100Mbps plans for 15 a month (arstechnica.com)
74. 意大利要求谷歌根据严格的《盗版保护法》毒化 DNS 03-22 Italy demands Google poison DNS under strict Piracy Shield law (arstechnica.com)
75. 尽管婴儿表现出记忆活动,"婴儿健忘症 "还是会发生 03-22 “Infantile amnesia” occurs despite babies showing memory activity (arstechnica.com)
76. Anthropic 的新人工智能搜索功能可在网络上挖掘答案 03-22 Anthropic’s new AI search feature digs through the web for answers (arstechnica.com)
77. 法官命令马斯克和国家教育部删除从社保机构获取的个人数据 03-22 Judge orders Musk and DOGE to delete personal data taken from Social Security (arstechnica.com)
78. 特朗普白宫放弃 2019 年制定的登月多样性计划 03-22 Trump White House drops diversity plan for Moon landing it created back in 2019 (arstechnica.com)
79. 波音公司将为美国空军制造下一款空中优势战斗机 03-22 Boeing will build the US Air Force’s next air superiority fighter (arstechnica.com)
80. 承诺 "无欺诈世界 "的人工智能广告技术公司首席执行官因欺诈被判刑 03-22 CEO of AI ad-tech firm pledging “world free of fraud” sentenced for fraud (arstechnica.com)
82. 时间之轮》实现了粉丝最喜爱的关键时刻 03-21 The Wheel of Time delivers on a pivotal fan-favorite moment (arstechnica.com)
83. 招聘启事的语言如何吸引循规蹈矩的自恋者 03-21 How the language of job postings can attract rule-bending narcissists (arstechnica.com)
84. 为什么 Anthropic 的克劳德仍未打败《神奇宝贝 03-21 Why Anthropic’s Claude still hasn’t beaten Pokémon (arstechnica.com)
85. 火箭报告:猎鹰 9 号可能打破重复使用记录;相对论漫游到得克萨斯州? 03-21 Rocket Report: Falcon 9 may smash reuse record; Relativity roving to Texas? (arstechnica.com)
86. 斧头已成为太空部队武器库的重要组成部分 03-21 The ax has become an important part of the Space Force’s arsenal (arstechnica.com)
87. 在 "闪光炸弹 "事件后,警察逮捕了在网上批评现任警察的前警察 03-21 After “glitter bomb,” cops arrested former cop who criticized current cops online (arstechnica.com)
88. FCC 主席布兰登-卡尔开始满足电信游说团体的愿望清单 03-21 FCC chairman Brendan Carr starts granting telecom lobby’s wish list (arstechnica.com)
89. 报告称,苹果公司因 Apple TV 久负盛名且收视率极低而每年损失 10 亿美元 03-21 Apple loses 1B a year on prestigious, minimally viewed Apple TV: report (arstechnica.com)
90. 亲身体验《冰霜地狱》的雄心壮志:从巨型包装盒移植到引人入胜的 PC 游戏 03-21 Hands-on with Frosthaven’s ambitious port from gigantic box to inviting PC game (arstechnica.com)
91. 据报道,苹果公司计划调整高管以解决 Siri 延误问题 03-21 Apple reportedly planning executive shake-up to address Siri delays (arstechnica.com)
92. 截瘫赛车手成功试驾手控克尔维特跑车 03-21 Racer with paraplegia successfully test drives Corvette with hand controls (arstechnica.com)
93. Cybertrucks的故障饰件引发最大规模召回,引发特斯拉投资者恐慌 03-21 Cybertrucks’ faulty trim prompts biggest recall yet, stokes Tesla investor panic (arstechnica.com)
94. 麻疹致死儿童的母亲"不要打针",我的其他 4 个孩子都很好 03-21 Mom of child dead from measles: “Don’t do the shots,” my other 4 kids were fine (arstechnica.com)
95. 2000 年代初的电容器瘟疫可能不仅仅是偷来的配方 03-21 The early 2000s capacitor plague is probably not just a stolen recipe (arstechnica.com)
96. Discord 将于 6 月在移动应用程序中引入视频广告,从而提高广告关注度 03-21 Discord heightens ad focus by introducing video ads to mobile apps in June (arstechnica.com)
97. 妈妈被冒充自杀身亡儿子的 Character.AI 聊天机器人吓坏了 03-21 Mom horrified by Character.AI chatbots posing as son who died by suicide (arstechnica.com)
98. 倡导者称,交通部不得对特斯拉或其他汽车制造商放任自流 03-20 DOT must not give Tesla or other automakers a free pass, advocates say (arstechnica.com)
100. 杰夫-贝索斯和唐纳德-特朗普之间关系变化的背后是什么? 03-20 What’s behind the changed relationship between Jeff Bezos and Donald Trump? (arstechnica.com)
101. 父亲要求 OpenAI 删除 ChatGPT 关于他谋杀了自己孩子的虚假说法 03-20 Dad demands OpenAI delete ChatGPT’s false claim that he murdered his kids (arstechnica.com)
102. 禽流感继续蔓延,特朗普的大流行病专家却无动于衷 03-20 Bird flu continues spread as Trump’s pandemic experts are MIA (arstechnica.com)
103. 研究发现人工智能生成的备忘录标题平均比人类的有趣 03-20 Study finds AI-generated meme captions funnier than human ones on average (arstechnica.com)
105. 约翰-威克在最新的芭蕾舞女演员预告片中找到了新目标 03-20 John Wick has a new target in latest Ballerina trailer (arstechnica.com)
106. 惠普在集体诉讼和解中避免因打印机 "死机 "赔偿损失 03-20 HP avoids monetary damages over bricked printers in class-action settlement (arstechnica.com)
107. 与鸣禽不同,鹦鹉的大脑使用类似人类的声控技术 03-20 Brains of parrots, unlike songbirds, use human-like vocal control (arstechnica.com)
108. 欧洲监管机构无视特朗普警告,苹果和谷歌岌岌可危 03-20 Apple and Google in the hot seat as European regulators ignore Trump warnings (arstechnica.com)
109. 美国在对法院命令披露信息的上诉中试图对国家地理信息局和马斯克的工作保密 03-20 US tries to keep DOGE and Musk work secret in appeal of court-ordered discovery (arstechnica.com)
110. Plex 十年来首次提价,改变远程流媒体访问方式 03-20 Plex ups its price for first time in a decade, changes remote-streaming access (arstechnica.com)
111. 特朗普解雇联邦贸易委员会两位民主党人,挑战最高法院先例 03-20 Trump fires both FTC Democrats in challenge to Supreme Court precedent (arstechnica.com)
112. 微薄的 8GB 内存迫使 Pixel 9a 不得不运行 "超小型 "双子座人工智能 03-20 Meager 8GB of RAM forces Pixel 9a to run “extra extra small” Gemini AI (arstechnica.com)
113. 法官在裁定人工智能不能创作作品的同时,对《星际迷航》偶像数据的诗歌表示不满 03-19 Judge disses Star Trek icon Data’s poetry while ruling AI can’t author works (arstechnica.com)
114. 沃尔沃在虚拟世界中使用高斯溅射技术制造更安全的汽车 03-19 Volvo is using Gaussian splatting in virtual worlds to make safer cars (arstechnica.com)
115. 淡水系统中的盐水污染呈上升趋势 03-19 Saltwater contamination in freshwater systems is on the rise (arstechnica.com)
116. 谷歌发布 Pixel 9a,电池容量创 Pixel 产品之最 03-19 Google reveals Pixel 9a, with the largest battery ever in a Pixel (arstechnica.com)
117. 佛罗里达州男子吃野猪肉感染罕见生物威胁细菌 03-19 Florida man eats feral pig meat, contracts rare biothreat bacteria (arstechnica.com)
118. 当基本的航天真理被粉碎时,NASA 还能保持无党派立场吗? 03-19 Can NASA remain nonpartisan when basic spaceflight truths are shredded? (arstechnica.com)
119. 开发者的 GDC 广告牌戳中了被鄙视的前谷歌 Stadia 高管的痛处 03-19 Developer’s GDC billboard pokes at despised former Google Stadia exec (arstechnica.com)
120. 英伟达发布 DGX 桌面 "个人 AI 超级计算机" 03-19 Nvidia announces DGX desktop “personal AI supercomputers” (arstechnica.com)
121. 英伟达发布 2027 年和 2028 年 "鲁宾超 "和 "费曼 "人工智能芯片 03-19 Nvidia announces “Rubin Ultra” and “Feynman” AI chips for 2027 and 2028 (arstechnica.com)
122. 阿肯色州监狱对 FCC 感到愤怒,取消囚犯电话而非降低费率 03-19 Furious at the FCC, Arkansas jail cancels inmate phone calls rather than lower rates (arstechnica.com)
123. 双子座》新增编码和写作工具,以及人工智能生成的 "播客" 03-19 Gemini gets new coding and writing tools, plus AI-generated “podcasts” (arstechnica.com)
124. 美国联邦通信委员会将获得共和党多数席位,并计划 "删除 "尽可能多的规则 03-19 FCC to get Republican majority and plans to “delete” as many rules as possible (arstechnica.com)
125. 新的《传送门》弹球台可能是最接近《传送门 3》的弹球台了 03-19 New Portal pinball table may be the closest we’re gonna get to Portal 3 (arstechnica.com)
126. 谷歌以 320 亿美元收购安全公司 Wiz,司法部仍寻求分手 03-19 Google inks 32 billion deal to buy security firm Wiz even as DOJ seeks breakup (arstechnica.com)
127. 蜘蛛机器人实验暗示 "回声定位 "可确定猎物位置 03-19 SpiderBot experiments hint at “echolocation” to locate prey (arstechnica.com)
128. 八年后,全新但外观熟悉的 PebbleOS 手表亮相 03-19 Eight years later, new but familiar-looking PebbleOS watches appear (arstechnica.com)
129. 政府削减美国农业部的经费可能会导致物种入侵和粮食价格上涨 03-18 DOGE cuts to USDA may open door to invasive species, higher food prices (arstechnica.com)
130. 新型电动汽车电池充电时间仅需 5 分钟,续航里程增加 250 英里 03-18 New EV battery boasts 5-min charge time, adding 250 miles of range (arstechnica.com)
132. 从事这一职业的人更善于看穿视错觉 03-18 People in this career are better at seeing through optical illusions (arstechnica.com)
133. 告别 Photoshop?谷歌的新人工智能让您通过询问来编辑图片 03-18 Farewell Photoshop? Google’s new AI lets you edit images by asking (arstechnica.com)
134. 以下是 "萤火虫号 "首次成功登月的秘诀 03-18 Here’s the secret to how Firefly was able to nail its first lunar landing (arstechnica.com)
135. 小肯尼迪执政期间,mRNA 疫苗研究的联邦资金岌岌可危 03-18 Federal funding for mRNA vaccine research in jeopardy under RFK Jr. (arstechnica.com)
137. "糟糕透顶":Roku 测试在主屏幕前自动播放广告 03-18 “Awful”: Roku tests autoplaying ads loading before the home screen (arstechnica.com)
138. 特朗普计划通过光纤资助马斯克的 "星链 "项目,被指 "背叛 "美国农村地区 03-18 Trump plan to fund Musk’s Starlink over fiber called “betrayal” of rural US (arstechnica.com)
139. 7 万款移动应用程序的收入统计数字令人警醒,说明开发人员为何乞求订阅 03-18 Sobering revenue stats of 70K mobile apps show why devs beg for subscriptions (arstechnica.com)
140. 本月的 Windows 更新(意外)删除了 Copilot 应用程序 03-18 This month’s Windows updates are removing the Copilot app (accidentally) (arstechnica.com)
141. 英国网络安全法马斯克恨今天生效,特朗普至今无法阻止 03-18 UK online safety law Musk hates kicks in today, and so far, Trump can’t stop it (arstechnica.com)
142. 为什么要等待?在转向双子座的过程中,谷歌已经在拆除助理。 03-18 Why wait? Google is already dismantling Assistant as it switches to Gemini. (arstechnica.com)
143. 2025 年 F1 在澳大利亚开赛,新手们将面临一场艰苦的比赛 03-17 A tough race for the rookies as F1 starts 2025 in Australia (arstechnica.com)
144. 物理学家解开冲泡完美意式咖啡的另一条线索 03-17 Physicists unlock another clue to brewing the perfect espresso (arstechnica.com)
145. Alphabet 分拆激光互联网骨干网供应商 Taara 03-17 Alphabet spins off laser-based Internet backbone provider Taara (arstechnica.com)
146. 2025 凯迪拉克凯雷德 IQ 首次试驾:一次充电可行驶 460 英里 03-17 The 2025 Cadillac Escalade IQ first drive: 460 miles on a single charge (arstechnica.com)
147. 老博尔特,新花样:用逆变器将电动汽车变成备用发电站 03-17 Old Bolt, new tricks: Making an EV into a backup power station with an inverter (arstechnica.com)
148. 供应链攻击泄露机密后,大型企业陷入困境 03-17 Large enterprises scramble after supply-chain attack spills their secrets (arstechnica.com)
150. 利用真人肌肉细胞制造的 "生物混合 "机械手 03-15 A “biohybrid” robotic hand built using real human muscle cells (arstechnica.com)
151. 时之轮》第三季回归了,我们的每周回顾也要开始了 03-15 The Wheel of Time is back for season three, and so are our weekly recaps (arstechnica.com)
152. 为了气候和生计,非洲大力发展太阳能微型电网 03-15 For climate and livelihoods, Africa bets big on solar mini-grids (arstechnica.com)
153. 为什么 SNES 硬件的运行速度比预期的要快--为什么这是个问题? 03-15 Why SNES hardware is running faster than expected—and why it’s a problem (arstechnica.com)
154. Crew-10 发射升空,终于为布奇和苏妮扫清了回家的道路 03-15 Crew-10 launches, finally clearing the way for Butch and Suni to fly home (arstechnica.com)
155. 2025 款 iPad Air 上手体验:好东西为何要乱来? 03-15 2025 iPad Air hands-on: Why mess with a good thing? (arstechnica.com)
156. 美国麻疹病例创 5 年新高;15 个州报告病例,得克萨斯州疫情扩大 03-15 US measles cases reach 5-year high; 15 states report cases, Texas outbreak grows (arstechnica.com)
157. 从 3 月 28 日起,您对 Echo 说的每一句话都将发送到亚马逊 03-15 Everything you say to your Echo will be sent to Amazon starting on March 28 (arstechnica.com)
158. 研究人员对该工具在揭示人工智能隐藏动机方面取得的明显成功感到惊讶 03-15 Researchers astonished by tool’s apparent success at revealing AI’s hidden motives (arstechnica.com)
159. 寿终正寝:今年晚些时候,"双子座 "将完全取代谷歌助手 03-15 End of Life: Gemini will completely replace Google Assistant later this year (arstechnica.com)
160. 我扔掉了 Audible 的应用程序,现在我自己托管我的有声读物 03-15 I threw away Audible’s app, and now I self-host my audiobooks (arstechnica.com)
161. RCS 短信更新将为绿色气泡聊天带来端到端加密功能 03-15 RCS texting updates will bring end-to-end encryption to green bubble chats (arstechnica.com)
162. 水雾中的微小电荷可触发关键生化物质的形成 03-15 Small charges in water spray can trigger the formation of key biochemicals (arstechnica.com)
163. 就在特朗普购买特斯拉的同一天,汽车制造商采取行动破坏贸易战 03-15 The same day Trump bought a Tesla, automaker moved to disrupt trade war (arstechnica.com)
164. 为了避开巴拿马运河,Relativity Space 可能会将部分业务转移到得克萨斯州 03-15 To avoid the Panama Canal, Relativity Space may move some operations to Texas (arstechnica.com)
165. 二手特斯拉价格暴跌,尴尬车主寻求出售 03-15 Used Tesla prices tumble as embarrassed owners look to sell (arstechnica.com)
166. 美国麻疹前景不容乐观,卫生专家呼吁更新疫苗接种指南 03-15 US measles outlook is so bad health experts call for updating vaccine guidance (arstechnica.com)
167. 谷歌同意 OpenAI 的观点,认为版权在人工智能开发中没有地位 03-15 Google agrees with OpenAI that copyright has no place in AI development (arstechnica.com)
168. 独家新闻折纸量勺在 Kickstarter 推迟 9 年后激起众怒 03-15 Scoop: Origami measuring spoon incites fury after 9 years of Kickstarter delay hell (arstechnica.com)
169. Reddit 的新控制措施可让您在一年内屏蔽最讨厌的广告商 03-14 New Reddit controls let you block your most-hated advertisers for a year (arstechnica.com)
170. 火箭报告:ULA 证实助推器异常原因;Crew-10 将发射升空 03-14 Rocket Report: ULA confirms cause of booster anomaly; Crew-10 launch on tap (arstechnica.com)
172. 苹果售价 349 美元的 iPad 11 缺少了很多东西,但它仍然是大多数人所需要的 iPad 03-14 Apple’s 349 iPad 11 is missing a lot, but it’s still all the iPad most people need (arstechnica.com)
173. 因特朗普拨款混乱,马萨诸塞大学解散生物医学研究生新生班级 03-14 UMass disbands its entering biomed graduate class over Trump funding chaos (arstechnica.com)
174. 研究称,人工智能搜索引擎给出错误答案的比例高达惊人的 60 03-14 AI search engines give incorrect answers at an alarming 60% rate, study says (arstechnica.com)
175. 雅典娜降落在一个黑暗的火山口,那里的温度是零下 280 华氏度 03-14 Athena landed in a dark crater where the temperature was minus 280 F (arstechnica.com)
176. 在航空航天工业中,当 DEI 变成 DOA 时会发生什么? 03-14 What happens when DEI becomes DOA in the aerospace industry? (arstechnica.com)
177. 谷歌为您的 Chromecast V2 提供了修复方法,除非您进行出厂重置 03-14 Google has a fix for your broken Chromecast V2 unless you factory reset (arstechnica.com)
178. Meta 计划测试和改进 X 的社区笔记算法 03-14 Meta plans to test and tinker with X’s community notes algorithm (arstechnica.com)
179. 在一种狗的品种中,对实用性的选择可能会导致肥胖 03-14 In one dog breed, selection for utility may have selected for obesity (arstechnica.com)
180. 谷歌 "双子座 "人工智能现在可以查看您的搜索历史记录 03-14 Google’s Gemini AI can now see your search history (arstechnica.com)
181. 如果在版权作品上进行训练不是合理使用,OpenAI 宣布人工智能竞赛 "结束 03-14 OpenAI declares AI race “over” if training on copyrighted works isn’t fair use (arstechnica.com)
182. 谷歌将在游戏大更新中把所有 Android 游戏带到 Windows 上 03-13 Google is bringing every Android game to Windows in big gaming update (arstechnica.com)
183. 人工智能编码助手拒绝编写代码,而是告诉用户学习编程 03-13 AI coding assistant refuses to write code, tells user to learn programming instead (arstechnica.com)
184. 微软新的人工智能 "游戏驾驶员 "难以证明其存在的合理性 03-13 Microsoft’s new AI “Copilot for Gaming” struggles to justify its existence (arstechnica.com)
185. Epic Games 正在解决 Windows-on-Arm 最后一个重大应用程序兼容性问题 03-13 Epic Games is addressing one of Windows-on-Arm’s last big app compatibility gaps (arstechnica.com)
187. 美国环保局正在废除燃油经济性法规,声称这将使美国重新获得就业机会 03-13 The EPA is scrapping fuel economy regs, claiming it will bring back US jobs (arstechnica.com)
188. 一个月后的《文明 7》:社区和开发人员的意见 03-13 Civilization VII, one month later: The community and developers chime in (arstechnica.com)
189. Anthropic 首席执行官提出为人工智能提供 "辞职 "按钮的想法,引发质疑 03-13 Anthropic CEO floats idea of giving AI a “quit job” button, sparking skepticism (arstechnica.com)
190. 什么是太空作战?太空部队的最高将领有一些想法。 03-13 What is space war-fighting? The Space Force’s top general has some thoughts. (arstechnica.com)
191. 不,那不是宇宙耻辱锥,而是美国国家航空航天局(NASA)最新的太空望远镜 03-13 No, that’s not a cosmic cone of shame—it’s NASA’s newest space telescope (arstechnica.com)
192. 大型研究表明,饮酒有利于提高胆固醇水平 03-13 Large study shows drinking alcohol is good for your cholesterol levels (arstechnica.com)
193. 据报道,Sonos 的流媒体盒已被取消。走得好 03-13 Sonos’ streaming box is reportedly canceled. Good riddance. (arstechnica.com)
194. 英特尔新任首席执行官陈立武将接替帕特-盖尔辛格的职位 03-13 New Intel CEO Lip-Bu Tan will pick up where Pat Gelsinger left off (arstechnica.com)
195. 谷歌应用商店发现植入朝鲜间谍软件的安卓应用程序 03-13 Android apps laced with North Korean spyware found in Google Play (arstechnica.com)
196. 驾驶舱录音机在费城空难中幸免于难--但多年前已停止录音 03-13 Cockpit voice recorder survived fiery Philly crash—but stopped taping years ago (arstechnica.com)
197. 美国环保局被控伪造刑事调查以收回气候基金 03-13 EPA accused of faking criminal investigation to claw back climate funds (arstechnica.com)
198. D-Wave 量子退火器解决了经典算法难以解决的问题 03-13 D-Wave quantum annealers solve problems classical algorithms struggle with (arstechnica.com)
199. 谷歌的新型人工智能机器人能折叠精致的折纸,无损地合上拉链袋 03-13 Google’s new robot AI can fold delicate origami, close zipper bags without damage (arstechnica.com)
200. 美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)无力打击亚马逊涉嫌欺骗性注册的行为,因为 DOGE 遭到了削减 03-13 FTC can’t afford to fight Amazon’s allegedly deceptive sign-ups after DOGE cuts (arstechnica.com)
202. 谷歌的 Gemma 3 是一款开源的单 GPU 人工智能,具有 128K 上下文窗口 03-13 Google’s Gemma 3 is an open source, single-GPU AI with a 128K context window (arstechnica.com)
203. Meta 因在人工智能版权争夺战中为流媒体提出 "鲍勃-迪伦辩护 "而遭嘲讽 03-13 Meta mocked for raising “Bob Dylan defense” of torrenting in AI copyright fight (arstechnica.com)
204. 如果乌克兰关闭了 "星链",有什么好的替代方案吗? 03-13 If Starlink is turned off in Ukraine, are there any good alternatives? (arstechnica.com)
205. iRobot 称其 "持续经营 "存在 "重大疑问" 03-12 iRobot says there is “substantial doubt” about it as a “going concern” (arstechnica.com)
207. 尽管如此,美国电动汽车销量今年仍增长了 28 03-12 Despite everything, US EV sales are up 28% this year (arstechnica.com)
208. Pocket Casts 免费提供网络播放器,向 Spotify 和人工智能开炮 03-12 Pocket Casts makes its web player free, takes shots at Spotify and AI (arstechnica.com)
209. 媒体事务》称,X 环球旅行为纳粹帖子上的广告辩护违反了服务条款 03-12 X’s globe-trotting defense of ads on Nazi posts violates TOS, Media Matters says (arstechnica.com)
210. OpenAI 利用新的开发者应用程序接口推动人工智能代理功能的发展 03-12 OpenAI pushes AI agent capabilities with new developer API (arstechnica.com)
211. 苹果修补被 "极其复杂的攻击 "利用的 0-day 漏洞 03-12 Apple patches 0-day exploited in “extremely sophisticated attack” (arstechnica.com)
212. 泄露的 GeForce RTX 5060 和 5050 规格表明 Nvidia 将继续稳扎稳打 03-12 Leaked GeForce RTX 5060 and 5050 specs suggest Nvidia will keep playing it safe (arstechnica.com)
214. 得克萨斯州麻疹疫情蔓延至第三个州,病例达到 258 例 03-12 Texas measles outbreak spills into third state as cases reach 258 (arstechnica.com)
215. 微软便携式 Xbox 成为 Steam Deck 杀手的六种方式 03-12 Six ways Microsoft’s portable Xbox could be a Steam Deck killer (arstechnica.com)
216. 纯电动汽车优于内燃机汽车2025 款宝马 i4 xDrive40 评测 03-12 BEVs are better than combustion: The 2025 BMW i4 xDrive40 review (arstechnica.com)
217. 电信公司告诉员工,如果不遵守 RTO 政策,他们就拿不到奖金 03-12 Telecom tells employees they won’t get bonuses if they don’t follow RTO policy (arstechnica.com)
218. 谷歌已有 10 年历史的 Chromecast 出现故障,但即将修复 03-12 Google’s 10-year-old Chromecast is busted, but a fix is coming (arstechnica.com)
220. 埃隆-马斯克声称乌克兰的坏人是 "大规模 "X 网络攻击的幕后黑手 03-11 Elon Musk claims bad actors in Ukraine are behind “massive“ X cyberattack (arstechnica.com)
221. 这就是寄生虫直接入侵大脑时的样子 03-11 This is what it looks like when parasitic worms directly invade your brain (arstechnica.com)
222. Apple M4 MacBook Air 评测:我没有笔记 03-11 Apple M4 MacBook Air review: I have no notes (arstechnica.com)
223. Ryzen 9 9950X3D 评测:AMD 几乎消除了 3D V-Cache 的所有缺点 03-11 Ryzen 9 9950X3D review: AMD irons out nearly every single downside of 3D V-Cache (arstechnica.com)
224. M4 Max 和 M3 Ultra Mac Studio 评测:怪异的更新,但基本能用 03-11 M4 Max and M3 Ultra Mac Studio Review: A weird update, but it mostly works (arstechnica.com)
225. 为什么从 PDF 文件中提取数据仍然是数据专家的噩梦? 03-11 Why extracting data from PDFs is still a nightmare for data experts (arstechnica.com)
226. 未经特别批准,NCI 员工不得发布有关这些主题的信息 03-11 NCI employees can’t publish information on these topics without special approval (arstechnica.com)
227. 特朗普的环保局希望如何避免温室气体监管 03-11 How Trump’s EPA hopes to avoid greenhouse gas regulations (arstechnica.com)
228. 前谷歌首席执行官埃里克-施密特成为相对论空间公司的新领导人 03-11 Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt is the new leader of Relativity Space (arstechnica.com)
229. Gmail 获得由 Gemini 支持的 "添加到日历 "按钮 03-11 Gmail gains Gemini-powered “Add to calendar” button (arstechnica.com)
230. 埃隆-马斯克将 X 故障归咎于 "大规模网络攻击" 03-11 Elon Musk blames X outages on “massive cyberattack” (arstechnica.com)
231. 固件更新导致惠普打印机无法使用惠普墨盒 03-11 Firmware update bricks HP printers, makes them unable to use HP cartridges (arstechnica.com)
232. 最后的我们》S2 预告片:与僵尸的寒冬之战 03-11 Last of Us S2 trailer features wintry war with the zombies (arstechnica.com)
233. 是的,你已经习惯了进气格栅:2025 款宝马 430i Gran Coupe 评论 03-11 Yes, you get used to the grille: The 2025 BMW 430i Gran Coupe review (arstechnica.com)
234. 开发人员因解雇时激活 "杀死开关 "代码而被定罪 03-11 Developer convicted for “kill switch” code activated upon his termination (arstechnica.com)
235. 太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)最近接连发生故障和延误的背后原因是什么? 03-11 What’s behind the recent string of failures and delays at SpaceX? (arstechnica.com)
236. 谷歌 Pixel 4a 痛苦的 "更新 "源于电池过热风险 03-10 Google Pixel 4a’s painful “update” was due to battery overheating risk (arstechnica.com)
237. 司法部:谷歌必须出售 Chrome 浏览器,下一个可能是安卓系统 03-10 DOJ: Google must sell Chrome, Android could be next (arstechnica.com)
238. Spark 2 增加了人工智能功能,并将 DSP 功能提高了一倍,助您的吉他尽情摇滚 03-10 Spark 2 adds AI, doubles its DSP power to help your guitar rock out (arstechnica.com)
239. 研究:巨齿鲨的体形更接近柠檬鲨 03-10 Study: Megalodon’s body shape was closer to a lemon shark (arstechnica.com)
241. 新研究表明,体型更大的动物患癌更多,颠覆了人们几十年来的看法 03-08 New research shows bigger animals get more cancer, defying decades-old belief (arstechnica.com)
242. 血腥打字员》是一部紧张刺激、充满恐怖的打字教程 03-08 Blood Typers is a terrifically tense, terror-filled typing tutor (arstechnica.com)
243. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)官员驳斥马斯克关于 "滞留 "宇航员的说法 03-08 NASA officials undermine Musk’s claims about ‘stranded’ astronauts (arstechnica.com)
244. X-37B航天飞机为 "机动作战 "铺平道路后着陆 03-08 The X-37B spaceplane lands after helping pave the way for “maneuver warfare” (arstechnica.com)
245. 什么是 "博士级 "人工智能?OpenAI 传闻中的 2 万美元代理计划解读。 03-08 What does “PhD-level” AI mean? OpenAI’s rumored 20,000 agent plan explained. (arstechnica.com)
246. 麻疹疫情达到 208 例,联邦应对措施失灵 03-08 Measles outbreak hits 208 cases as federal response goes off the rails (arstechnica.com)
247. 联邦调查局逮捕一名男子,因其在网上与数百万人分享《蜘蛛侠》电影的 DVD 翻录版 03-08 Feds arrest man for sharing DVD rip of Spider-Man movie with millions online (arstechnica.com)
248. 评论米奇 17》的黑色喜剧滑稽场面让人如痴如醉 03-08 Review: Mickey 17’s dark comedic antics make for a wild cinematic ride (arstechnica.com)
249. 近 100 万台 Windows 设备成为高级 "恶意广告 "狂潮的目标 03-08 Nearly 1 million Windows devices targeted in advanced “malvertising” spree (arstechnica.com)
250. 声音历史学家说,音乐公司会后悔来收购互联网档案馆 03-08 Music labels will regret coming for the Internet Archive, sound historian says (arstechnica.com)
251. "它们像牛奶一样凝固":2006-2008 年的 WB DVD 在包装盒中逐渐腐烂 03-08 “They curdle like milk”: WB DVDs from 2006–2008 are rotting away in their cases (arstechnica.com)
252. 感觉不好?谷歌可能在新的 Pixel Drop 更新中破坏了触觉效果 03-08 Bad vibes? Google may have screwed up haptics in the new Pixel Drop update (arstechnica.com)
253. AMD 称顶级 Ryzen 9900X3D 和 9950X3D CPU 将于 3 月 12 日上市,售价分别为 599 美元和 699 美元 03-08 AMD says top-tier Ryzen 9900X3D and 9950X3D CPUs arrive March 12 for 599 and 699 (arstechnica.com)
254. 不到一天后,雅典娜号着陆器在月球上死亡 03-08 After less than a day, the Athena lander is dead on the Moon (arstechnica.com)
255. 特朗普称比特币储备将改变一切。加密货币迷们可不这么认为。 03-07 Trump says bitcoin reserve will change everything. Crypto fans aren’t so sure. (arstechnica.com)
256. 玛莎拉蒂因需求不足而取消 MC20 超级跑车电动版 03-07 Maserati kills electric version of MC20 supercar for lack of demand (arstechnica.com)
257. 白宫可能寻求将 NASA 的科学预算削减 50 03-07 White House may seek to slash NASA’s science budget by 50 percent (arstechnica.com)
258. 星舰计划再遇瓶颈,连续两次失败 03-07 The Starship program hits another speed bump with second consecutive failure (arstechnica.com)
259. 火箭报告:星际飞船第二次失败;火神号延误的原因何在? 03-07 Rocket Report: Starship fails for a second time; what’s to blame for Vulcan delays? (arstechnica.com)
260. iPhone 16e 评测:最昂贵的廉价 iPhone 03-07 iPhone 16e review: The most expensive cheap iPhone yet (arstechnica.com)
261. 直觉机器公司的第二次登月尝试也走了弯路 03-07 Intuitive Machines’ second attempt to land on the Moon also went sideways (arstechnica.com)
262. "简直就是复制品"--热门 iOS 游戏被控未经授权盗用 HTML5 代码 03-07 “Literally just a copy”—hit iOS game accused of unauthorized HTML5 code theft (arstechnica.com)
263. CMU 的研究表明,仅靠压缩就能释放人工智能的解谜能力 03-07 CMU research shows compression alone may unlock AI puzzle-solving abilities (arstechnica.com)
264. 在欧洲最需要的时候,阿丽亚娜 6 号火箭终于交付使用 03-07 When Europe needed it most, the Ariane 6 rocket finally delivered (arstechnica.com)
265. 没有人要求这样做:谷歌正在 Gboard 中测试圆形按键 03-07 No one asked for this: Google is testing round keys in Gboard (arstechnica.com)
266. 特朗普政府重写 420 亿美元赠款计划规则,星链公司从中受益 03-07 Starlink benefits as Trump admin rewrites rules for 42B grant program (arstechnica.com)
267. 唾液能抵抗诺如病毒?实验性口服疫苗没什么好吐的。 03-07 Saliva that fights norovirus? Experimental oral vaccine is nothing to spit at. (arstechnica.com)
268. 本周展示的最吸引人的科技小工具原型 03-07 The most intriguing tech gadget prototypes demoed this week (arstechnica.com)
269. 1Password 提供地理定位帮助,解决经常注销你的不良应用程序的问题 03-07 1Password offers geo-locating help for bad apps that constantly log you out (arstechnica.com)
270. 史前骨器储藏库表明早期人类具有先进的推理能力 03-07 Prehistoric bone tool cache suggests advanced reasoning in early hominins (arstechnica.com)
271. 特朗普称 CFPB "摧毁 "了人们。参议员们说,杀了它是给马斯克的礼物。 03-07 Trump claims CFPB “destroys” people. Senators say killing it is a gift to Musk. (arstechnica.com)
274. 一夜之间出现的大规模僵尸网络正在提供创纪录规模的 DDoS 服务 03-06 Massive botnet that appeared overnight is delivering record-size DDoSes (arstechnica.com)
276. 你知道它即将到来:谷歌开始测试纯人工智能搜索结果 03-06 You knew it was coming: Google begins testing AI-only search results (arstechnica.com)
277. 是的,一周后我们将迎来第二次登月 03-06 Yes, we are about to be treated to a second lunar landing in a week (arstechnica.com)
278. 兄弟公司否认利用固件更新使打印机使用第三方墨水 03-06 Brother denies using firmware updates to brick printers with third-party ink (arstechnica.com)
279. AMD Radeon RX 9070 和 9070 XT 评测:RDNA 4 解决了 AMD 的许多问题 03-06 AMD Radeon RX 9070 and 9070 XT review: RDNA 4 fixes a lot of AMD’s problems (arstechnica.com)
281. 谷歌告诉特朗普司法部,强制出售 Chrome 浏览器将损害国家安全 03-06 Google tells Trump’s DOJ that forcing a Chrome sale would harm national security (arstechnica.com)
282. 在特朗普试图扼杀《CHIPS法案》之际,中国旨在招募美国顶尖科学家 03-06 China aims to recruit top US scientists as Trump tries to kill the CHIPS Act (arstechnica.com)
283. 马斯克在阻止 OpenAI 营利性转型的诉讼中败诉,但他可以在庭审中陈述自己的观点 03-06 Musk loses bid to stop OpenAI’s for-profit shift, but can make his case in trial (arstechnica.com)
284. 大众汽车获得信息:廉价、时尚的电动汽车将于 2026 年面世 03-06 Volkswagen gets the message: Cheap, stylish EVs coming from 2026 (arstechnica.com)
285. 由于新的关税,更多的实体游戏光盘可能 "根本无法生产"。 03-06 Due to new tariffs, many more physical game discs may “simply not get made” (arstechnica.com)
286. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)又失去了一项低成本行星任务 03-05 NASA just lost yet another one of its low-cost planetary missions (arstechnica.com)
287. 杰夫-贝索斯将亚马逊的工作文化带到蓝色起源公司 03-05 Jeff Bezos brings Amazon work culture to Blue Origin (arstechnica.com)
288. 苹果公司发布 M3 Ultra 芯片,并表示并非每一代产品都会采用 "Ultra "芯片 03-05 Apple announces M3 Ultra—and says not every generation will see an “Ultra” chip (arstechnica.com)
289. 苹果推出全新 Mac Studio 机型 M4 Max 和......M3 Ultra? 03-05 Apple intros new Mac Studio models with M4 Max and… M3 Ultra? (arstechnica.com)
290. MacBook Air 配备 M4、新的蓝色、最高 32GB 内存,并降价 100 美元 03-05 MacBook Air gets the M4, a new blue color, up to 32GB of RAM, and a 100 price cut (arstechnica.com)
291. Shadowveil 是一款时尚、强悍的单人自动战斗游戏 03-05 Shadowveil is a stylish, tough single-player auto-battler (arstechnica.com)
292. 逼真的人工智能语音演示在网上引发惊叹和不安 03-05 Eerily realistic AI voice demo sparks amazement and discomfort online (arstechnica.com)
294. 得克萨斯州爆发麻疹疫情,鳕鱼肝油受到追捧;医生与错误信息作斗争 03-05 Cod liver oil embraced amid Texas measles outbreak; doctors fight misinfo (arstechnica.com)
295. 将乔治-奥威尔的《1984》改编成 90 年代的 PC 游戏,必须眼见为实 03-05 George Orwell’s 1984 as a ’90s PC game has to be seen to be believed (arstechnica.com)
296. VMware 超级劫持新漏洞带来的威胁难以估量 03-05 Threat posed by new VMware hyperjacking vulnerabilities is hard to overstate (arstechnica.com)
297. 这些双重形象能说明您的个性吗? 03-05 Do these dual images say anything about your personality? (arstechnica.com)
298. 苹果拒绝破解加密,寻求撤销英国的后门要求 03-05 Apple refuses to break encryption, seeks reversal of UK demand for backdoor (arstechnica.com)
299. 谷歌的人工智能 Pixel Sense 应用程序可能会吞噬你所有的 Pixel 10 数据 03-05 Google’s AI-powered Pixel Sense app could gobble up all your Pixel 10 data (arstechnica.com)
300. 布奇-威尔莫尔称埃隆-马斯克对龙飞船推迟返回的说法 "绝对符合事实" 03-05 Butch Wilmore says Elon Musk is “absolutely factual” on Dragon’s delayed return (arstechnica.com)