1. 自 2021 年以来,持续、隐蔽的 Linux 恶意软件已感染数千人 07:42 Persistent, stealthy Linux malware has infected thousands since 2021 (arstechnica.com)
2. 前县书记员蒂娜-彼得斯因破坏投票系统被判刑 9 年 06:40 Former county clerk Tina Peters sentenced to 9 years for voting-system breach (arstechnica.com)
3. 禽流感在加利福尼亚州的奶牛中肆虐,已发现可能的人类病例 05:41 As bird flu rages through California cows, possible human case identified (arstechnica.com)
4. Automattic 要求虚拟主机每年为使用 WordPress 商标支付 3200 万美元 05:17 Automattic demanded web host pay $32M annually for using WordPress trademark (arstechnica.com)
7. 流行的肠道益生菌在随机对照试验中完全失效 01:34 Popular gut probiotic completely craps out in randomized controlled trial (arstechnica.com)
8. 埃隆-马斯克在法官阻止加州深度伪造法后宣称胜利 01:06 Elon Musk claims victory after judge blocks Calif. deepfake law (arstechnica.com)
9. ULA 并未放弃开发长寿命低温太空拖船的努力 00:40 ULA hasn’t given up on developing a long-lived cryogenic space tug (arstechnica.com)
10. 在等待 Valve 的过程中,Bazzite 是 SteamOS 的下一个最佳选择 00:24 Bazzite is the next best thing to SteamOS while we wait on Valve (arstechnica.com)
11. 微软新推出的 "Copilot Vision "人工智能实验能看到您浏览的内容 00:14 Microsoft’s new “Copilot Vision” AI experiment can see what you browse (arstechnica.com)
12. EVgo 获得 10.5 亿美元贷款,用于建设 7500 个直流快速充电器 10-03 EVgo gets $1.05B loan to build 7,500 DC fast chargers (arstechnica.com)
13. 亚马逊将在 2025 年 "加大 "Prime 视频广告投放力度 10-03 Amazon will “ramp up” Prime Video ads in 2025 (arstechnica.com)
14. 攻击者利用 Zimbra 服务器最近修补的关键漏洞 10-03 Attackers exploit critical vulnerability recently patched in Zimbra servers (arstechnica.com)
15. 研究发现,Meta 智能眼镜可用于在几秒钟内对任何人施暴 10-03 Meta smart glasses can be used to dox anyone in seconds, study finds (arstechnica.com)
17. 尽管有更严格的法规,欧洲仍存在纹身墨水成分问题 10-03 Despite stricter regulations, Europe has issues with tattoo ink ingredients (arstechnica.com)
18. 微软发布最新版 Office 2024,一次购买永久拥有 10-03 Microsoft releases Office 2024, the latest buy-once-own-forever version of Office (arstechnica.com)
19. 国家劳资关系委员会指控亚马逊非法拒绝与司机工会谈判 10-03 Amazon illegally refused to bargain with drivers’ union, NLRB alleges (arstechnica.com)
20. Dish 债权人因 DirecTV 合并 "造反",试图阻止亏损交易 10-03 Dish creditors “revolt” over DirecTV merger, try to block loss-making deal (arstechnica.com)
21. "显然是个失败Sonos高管因应用程序惨败未获奖金 10-03 “Obviously a failure”: Sonos execs not getting bonuses due to app fiasco (arstechnica.com)
22. 由于所有者退出美国市场,广受欢迎的 Juicebox 电动汽车家用充电器将失去连接性 10-02 Popular Juicebox EV home chargers to lose connectivity as owner quits US (arstechnica.com)
24. 特斯拉扭转销售颓势,第三季度实现小幅增长 10-02 Tesla reverses sales slump, sees modest growth in Q3 (arstechnica.com)
25. 海伦岛导致超纯石英矿停产,威胁科技供应链 10-02 Helene takes ultrapure quartz mines offline, threatens tech supply chains (arstechnica.com)
26. Switch 模拟器 Ryujinx 在 "任天堂接触 "后停止开发 10-02 Switch emulator Ryujinx shuts down development after “contact by Nintendo” (arstechnica.com)
27. 实验室所有人承认在大流行期间伪造 COVID 检测结果 10-02 Lab owner pleads guilty to faking COVID test results during pandemic (arstechnica.com)
28. 人工智能将重复的排泄物文件消化成意味深长的 "大便 "播客 10-02 AI digests repetitive scatological document into profound “poop” podcast (arstechnica.com)
29. 联邦调查局称,骗子通过入侵高管的 Office365 收件箱赚取数百万美元 10-02 Crook made millions by breaking into execs’ Office365 inboxes, feds say (arstechnica.com)
30. OpenAI 在 2024 年开发者大会上推出简易语音助手创建工具 10-02 OpenAI unveils easy voice assistant creation at 2024 developer event (arstechnica.com)
31. T-Mobile 因三年数据泄露支付 1600 万美元罚款 10-02 T-Mobile pays $16 million fine for three years’ worth of data breaches (arstechnica.com)
32. 俄亥俄州火车脱轨事故产生的有毒化学物质在建筑物中徘徊数月 10-02 Toxic chemicals from Ohio train derailment lingered in buildings for months (arstechnica.com)
33. AT&T 称,Broadcom 建议的 "极端 "涨价将使 VMware 成本增加 1,050 10-02 “Extreme” Broadcom-proposed price hike would up VMware costs 1,050%, AT&T says (arstechnica.com)
35. 法官裁定 eBay 上的禁用化学品列表受第 230 条保护 10-02 eBay listings for banned chemicals shielded by Section 230, judge rules (arstechnica.com)
36. 为制造巨型绵羊,人类花费 10 年时间走私、克隆和人工授精 10-01 To build a giant sheep, man spends 10 years smuggling, cloning, and inseminating (arstechnica.com)
37. 两年来最大的更新 Windows 11 24H2 今天开始推出 10-01 Windows 11 24H2, the biggest update in two years, starts rolling out today (arstechnica.com)
38. 我是雪佛兰 Bolt 的车主,真不敢相信超级充电器的效果这么好 10-01 I’m a Chevy Bolt owner, and I can’t believe Superchargers work this well (arstechnica.com)
39. 拯救美国国家航空航天局(NASA)陷入困境的阿尔忒弥斯计划的政治不正确指南 10-01 The politically incorrect guide to saving NASA’s floundering Artemis Program (arstechnica.com)
40. 死于 1848 年的富兰克林探险队队长被幸存者吃掉了 10-01 Franklin expedition captain who died in 1848 was cannibalized by survivors (arstechnica.com)
41. 医疗恐怖分子 "首席执行官在被指控藐视国会后起诉参议员 10-01 CEO of “health care terrorists” sues senators after contempt of Congress charges (arstechnica.com)
42. 优步(Uber)挫败了车祸受害者诉诸法庭而非仲裁的尝试 10-01 Uber beats crash victims’ attempt to try case in court instead of arbitration (arstechnica.com)
43. 因担心用户抗议增多,Reddit 宣布有争议的政策变更 10-01 In fear of more user protests, Reddit announces controversial policy change (arstechnica.com)
44. 全美法院和政府使用的系统漏洞百出 10-01 Systems used by courts and governments across the US riddled with vulnerabilities (arstechnica.com)
45. 奥迪 RS7--这样的车不会再有了 10-01 The Audi RS7—they won’t make them like this much longer (arstechnica.com)
46. "太令人恼火了":过期广告开始出现在 PS5 主屏幕上 10-01 “So aggravating”: Outdated ads start appearing on PS5 home screen (arstechnica.com)
47. Verizon 用户面临全美大规模停电 10-01 Verizon customers face mass-scale outage across the US (arstechnica.com)
48. 自 1882 年以来,英国将首次没有燃煤发电厂 10-01 For the first time since 1882, UK will have no coal-fired power plants (arstechnica.com)
50. 伊利诺伊州城市计划未来从密歇根湖获取饮用水源 10-01 Illinois city plans to source its future drinking water from Lake Michigan (arstechnica.com)
51. Epic 诉讼称三星与谷歌 "协调 "以规避审判判决 10-01 Epic lawsuit says Samsung “coordinated” with Google to get around trial verdict (arstechnica.com)
52. DirecTV 同意以 1 美元收购卫星竞争对手 Dish(及其债务 10-01 DirecTV agrees to buy satellite rival Dish (and its debt) for one dollar (arstechnica.com)
53. 我们才刚刚开始了解海伦洪灾的历史性质 09-30 We’re only beginning to understand the historic nature of Helene’s flooding (arstechnica.com)
54. 工程师调查 SpaceX 猎鹰 9 号火箭的又一次故障 09-30 Engineers investigate another malfunction on SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket (arstechnica.com)
55. 加州州长否决有争议的人工智能安全法案 09-30 California governor vetoes controversial AI safety bill (arstechnica.com)
58. SpaceX 将执行任务,将 "星际客机 "宇航员送回地球 09-28 SpaceX set to launch mission to bring Starliner astronauts back to Earth (arstechnica.com)
60. 解决肠道问题可以治疗儿童的长期 COVID 吗? 09-28 Can addressing gut issues treat long COVID in children? (arstechnica.com)
61. 报道苹果改变电影策略,将很少在影院广泛上映电影 09-28 Report: Apple changes film strategy, will rarely do wide theatrical releases (arstechnica.com)
62. iFixit 的 iPhone 16 拆解发现电池拆卸过程大有改进 09-28 iFixit’s iPhone 16 teardown finds a greatly improved battery removal process (arstechnica.com)
63. 在 "阿尔法芯片 "崛起之际,谷歌和 Meta 更新其人工智能模型 09-28 Google and Meta update their AI models amid the rise of “AlphaChip” (arstechnica.com)
65. 密苏里州更多不明疾病与不明禽流感病例有关 09-28 More unidentified illnesses linked to unexplained bird flu case in Missouri (arstechnica.com)
66. Steam 不想支付仲裁费,而是让游戏玩家提起诉讼 09-28 Steam doesn’t want to pay arbitration fees, tells gamers to sue instead (arstechnica.com)
67. "不好看":谷歌广告技术垄断辩护广受批评 09-28 “Not a good look”: Google’s ad tech monopoly defense widely criticized (arstechnica.com)
68. 研究:戴着钩针小帽的猫咪揭示了猫科动物的慢性疼痛 09-28 Study: Cats in little crocheted hats shed light on feline chronic pain (arstechnica.com)
69. Meta 因明文存储数亿密码而付出代价 09-28 Meta pays the price for storing hundreds of millions of passwords in plaintext (arstechnica.com)
70. 戴尔销售团队被要求从下周一开始每周五天返回办公室工作 09-28 Dell sales team told to return to office 5 days a week, starting Monday (arstechnica.com)
71. 人工智能机器人现在可以 100% 击败那些流量图像验证码 09-28 AI bots now beat 100% of those traffic-image CAPTCHAs (arstechnica.com)
72. 男子用 OpenAI 语音机器人对唱披头士的 "埃莉诺-里格比" 09-28 Man tricks OpenAI’s voice bot into duet of The Beatles’ “Eleanor Rigby” (arstechnica.com)
73. 微软在 Windows Recall 重新发布前详细介绍了对安全性/隐私性的全面改进 09-28 Microsoft details security/privacy overhaul for Windows Recall ahead of relaunch (arstechnica.com)
74. 马斯克的 X 屏蔽了 JD Vance 档案的链接,并将发布该档案的记者停职 09-28 Musk’s X blocks links to JD Vance dossier and suspends journalist who posted it (arstechnica.com)
75. 德国特斯拉工人抱怨老板家访 09-28 Tesla workers in Germany complain about home visits from their bosses (arstechnica.com)
76. 被起诉的纽约市市长向联邦调查局报案我忘记了手机密码 09-28 Indicted NYC mayor to FBI: I, uh, forgot my phone’s passcode (arstechnica.com)
78. 美国国家航空航天局证实空间站裂缝是一个 "最高 "风险和后果问题 09-27 NASA confirms space station cracking a “highest” risk and consequence problem (arstechnica.com)
79. Ars 在圣何塞的活动回顾:基础设施、可持续发展、人工智能、鸡尾酒 09-27 Ars in San Jose recap: Infrastructure, sustainability, AI, cocktails (arstechnica.com)
80. 起亚门户网站存在漏洞,研究人员可跟踪和入侵汽车 09-27 Flaw in Kia’s web portal let researchers track, hack cars (arstechnica.com)
81. 火箭报告:SpaceX 打捞星际飞船残骸;维珍银河公司前景悲观 09-27 Rocket Report: SpaceX salvages Starship wreckage; pessimism for Virgin Galactic (arstechnica.com)
82. 紧张刺激的《芭蕾舞女伶》预告片有大量动作戏和约翰-威克的客串演出 09-27 High-octane Ballerina trailer has plenty of action and a John Wick cameo (arstechnica.com)
84. 惠普在印刷业中罕见地提出了一个像样的想法 09-27 In rare move from printing industry, HP actually has a decent idea (arstechnica.com)
85. 指数级增长让 "抱抱脸 "上诞生了 100 万个人工智能模型 09-27 Exponential growth brews 1 million AI models on Hugging Face (arstechnica.com)
86. 索尼和育碧丑闻促使加州禁止欺骗性数字产品销售 09-27 Sony, Ubisoft scandals prompt Calif. ban on deceptive sales of digital goods (arstechnica.com)
87. 希望破坏巴尔的摩电网并引发种族战争的妇女被判 18 年监禁 09-27 18 years for woman who hoped to destroy Baltimore power grid and spark a race war (arstechnica.com)
88. 很快,您就可以在 Game Pass 上玩《星际争霸》和《星际争霸 II 09-27 Soon, you’ll be able to play StarCraft and StarCraft II on Game Pass (arstechnica.com)
89. FAA-SpaceX 监管争端持续发酵,双方各执一词 09-27 FAA-SpaceX regulatory dispute simmers on as sides dig in (arstechnica.com)
90. 1963 年的福特 Cardinal--对当时的美国而言过于激进 09-27 The 1963 Ford Cardinal—too radical for America at the time (arstechnica.com)
91. 这些 3D 打印管道的灵感来自鲨鱼肠,性能优于特斯拉阀门 09-27 These 3D-printed pipes inspired by shark intestines outperform Tesla valves (arstechnica.com)
92. 尽管网络上一片愁云惨雾,电动汽车销售依然健康 09-27 EV sales remain healthy despite online doom and gloom (arstechnica.com)
93. 最后的我们》第二季预告片:观众可能对此毫无准备 09-27 The Last of Us season 2 trailer: Viewers are probably not prepared for this (arstechnica.com)
94. 盗版图书馆必须向出版商支付 3,000 万美元,但没人知道谁在管理它 09-27 Pirate library must pay publishers $30M, but no one knows who runs it (arstechnica.com)
95. 英特尔发布最后一个微码更新,修复高端台式机 CPU 崩溃问题 09-27 Intel releases one last microcode update to fix high-end desktop CPU crashes (arstechnica.com)
96. 第 10 人在与野猪头肉类有关的李斯特菌疫情中死亡 09-27 10th person dead in Listeria outbreak linked to Boar’s Head meats (arstechnica.com)
97. 传奇马里奥的创造者谈人工智能:任天堂正在 "反其道而行之" 09-26 Legendary Mario creator on AI: Nintendo is “going the opposite direction” (arstechnica.com)
98. 参议院认为 "第三世界医疗 "医院的富豪首席执行官藐视法庭 09-26 Senate holds rich CEO of “third-world medicine” hospitals in contempt (arstechnica.com)
99. OpenAI 计划从非营利组织向营利组织转型,Altman 将获得股权 09-26 OpenAI plans tectonic shift from nonprofit to for-profit, giving Altman equity (arstechnica.com)
100. iPhone 16 和 16 Pro 评测:三年后的值得升级 09-26 iPhone 16 and 16 Pro review: A worthy upgrade after three years (arstechnica.com)
101. 蜂鸟以极端的生活方式茁壮成长。方法如下 09-26 Hummingbirds thrive on an extreme lifestyle. Here’s how. (arstechnica.com)
102. NIST 建议禁止一些最无厘头的密码规则 09-26 NIST proposes barring some of the most nonsensical password rules (arstechnica.com)
103. 大多数亚马逊员工因 5 天办公政策而考虑求职:民意调查 09-26 Most Amazon workers considering job hunting due to 5-day in-office policy: Poll (arstechnica.com)
104. 致命的 EEE 病毒在纽约的传播范围扩大了 5 倍;据报有一人死亡 09-26 Spread of deadly EEE virus explodes 5-fold in New York; one death reported (arstechnica.com)
105. OpenAI 的穆拉提突然宣布离职令人震惊 09-26 OpenAI’s Murati shocks with sudden departure announcement (arstechnica.com)
106. 刺客信条:阴影》因《星球大战外传》反响不佳而推迟发布 09-26 Assassin’s Creed Shadows delayed after poor Star Wars Outlaws reception (arstechnica.com)
107. 第一次与 ChatGPT 对话是一次超现实的体验 09-26 Talking to ChatGPT for the first time is a surreal experience (arstechnica.com)
108. 美国联邦贸易委员会称,DoNotPay 因虚假宣传未经测试的人工智能律师而需支付 19.3 万美元 09-26 DoNotPay has to pay $193K for falsely touting untested AI lawyer, FTC says (arstechnica.com)
109. 考克斯起诉州政府,试图阻止向竞争对手互联网服务提供商提供 1.09 亿美元资金 09-26 Cox sues state in attempt to block $109 million in funding for rival ISPs (arstechnica.com)
110. Meta 的新型轻量级 AR 原型展示了超越笨重 VR 头显的未来 09-26 Meta’s new lightweight AR prototype shows a future beyond bulky VR headsets (arstechnica.com)
111. 评测英特尔月亮湖处理器兼具良好的电池续航时间和 x86 兼容性 09-26 Review: Intel Lunar Lake CPUs combine good battery life and x86 compatibility (arstechnica.com)
113. 报告称,OpenAI 要求美国批准耗能巨大的 5GW 数据中心 09-26 OpenAI asked US to approve energy-guzzling 5GW data centers, report says (arstechnica.com)
114. 售价 300 美元的 Meta Quest 3S 以较低的价格换取了较差的显示屏 09-26 Meta’s $300 Quest 3S trades a worse display for a lower price (arstechnica.com)
116. 特斯拉全自动驾驶系统每行驶 13 英里就需要人工干预一次 09-25 Tesla Full Self Driving requires human intervention every 13 miles (arstechnica.com)
117. 谷歌指控微软在 Azure 云平台上违反反垄断法 09-25 Google accuses Microsoft of antitrust violations over Azure cloud platform (arstechnica.com)
118. 阳帝之魂:广受好评的《对马岛之魂》将推出续集 09-25 Ghost of Yōtei: The acclaimed Ghost of Tsushima is getting a sequel (arstechnica.com)
119. 黑客在 ChatGPT 中植入虚假记忆,永久窃取用户数据 09-25 Hacker plants false memories in ChatGPT to steal user data in perpetuity (arstechnica.com)
120. 卡罗琳-埃里森因包庇山姆-班克曼-弗里德的 FTX 欺诈案被判 2 年监禁 09-25 Caroline Ellison gets 2 years for covering up Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX fraud (arstechnica.com)
121. 终结者》导演卡梅隆加盟人工智能公司,打造备受争议的图像生成器 09-25 Terminator’s Cameron joins AI company behind controversial image generator (arstechnica.com)
122. 联邦调查局:父亲被指试图枪击特朗普,儿子因儿童色情被捕 09-25 FBI: After dad allegedly tried to shoot Trump, son arrested for child porn (arstechnica.com)
123. 在发生这件事的房间里:美国国家航空航天局(NASA)差点把所有机组人员的经费都给了波音公司 09-25 In the room where it happened: When NASA nearly gave Boeing all the crew funding (arstechnica.com)
124. 加州加州州长否决了要求在浏览器和操作系统中增加新隐私选项的尝试 09-25 Calif. Gov. vetoes attempt to require new privacy option in browsers and OSes (arstechnica.com)
125. 辐射应能使直径达 4 公里的小行星发生偏转 09-25 Radiation should be able to deflect asteroids as large as 4 km across (arstechnica.com)
126. 美国国家航空航天局准备开始从联合发射联盟购买火神火箭 09-25 NASA is ready to start buying Vulcan rockets from United Launch Alliance (arstechnica.com)
127. 研究发现,汽车软件补丁占召回总量的 20% 以上 09-25 Car software patches are over 20% of recalls, study finds (arstechnica.com)
128. Broadcom 回应 AT&T 的 VMware 支持诉讼:AT&T 有 "其他选择 09-25 Broadcom responds to AT&T’s VMware support lawsuit: AT&T has “other options” (arstechnica.com)
129. 战神拉格纳罗克》PC 版修改器删除了恼人的 PSN 账户要求 09-24 PC modder removes annoying PSN account requirement for God of War Ragnarök (arstechnica.com)
130. Kubuntu Focus Ir14 Gen 2 评论:使用Linux,而不是捣乱 09-24 Kubuntu Focus Ir14 Gen 2 review: Using Linux instead of messing with it (arstechnica.com)
131. 华为笔记本电脑拆解显示中国迈向技术自给自足的步伐 09-24 Huawei laptop teardown shows China’s steps toward tech self-sufficiency (arstechnica.com)
132. 蓝色起源公司完成新型大型火箭第二级热发射试验 09-24 Blue Origin completes second-stage hot-fire test of large new rocket (arstechnica.com)
133. 禽流感在加利福尼亚迅速蔓延;周末受感染的禽群数量翻了一番 09-24 Bird flu is spreading rapidly in California; infected herds double over weekend (arstechnica.com)
134. OpenAI 首席执行官:我们可能在 "几千天内 "拥有人工智能超级智能 09-24 OpenAI CEO: We may have AI superintelligence in “a few thousand days” (arstechnica.com)
135. 卫星图像显示俄罗斯 "超级武器 "试验以惊人的失败告终 09-24 Satellite images suggest test of Russian “super weapon” failed spectacularly (arstechnica.com)
136. 1100 万台设备感染了托管在 Google Play 中的僵尸网络恶意软件 09-24 11 million devices infected with botnet malware hosted in Google Play (arstechnica.com)
137. Cloudflare 让网站一键屏蔽人工智能爬虫 09-24 Cloudflare lets sites block AI crawlers with one click (arstechnica.com)
138. 与苹果 iPhone 6 漫长的 10 年--告别 iPhone 6 的设计 09-24 10 long years with—and good riddance to—Apple’s iPhone 6 design (arstechnica.com)
139. 带太阳能车顶的混合动力房车可在紧急情况下为您的房屋供电 09-24 Hybrid RV with a solar roof can power your home in an emergency (arstechnica.com)
140. 在英特尔 4004 上启动 Linux 只需 4.76 天 09-24 Linux boots in 4.76 days on the Intel 4004 (arstechnica.com)
141. Sonos 工作人员解释应用程序更新为何如此糟糕 09-24 Sonos workers shed light on why the app update went so horribly (arstechnica.com)
142. 准备欣赏最新的《角斗士 2》动作预告片吧 09-24 Prepare to be entertained by latest action-packed Gladiator II trailer (arstechnica.com)
143. 霹雳游侠》* 加长版预告中,这些不速之客的处境可能会变得一团糟 09-24 Things could get messy for these misfits in Thunderbolts* extended teaser (arstechnica.com)
144. 埃隆-马斯克的 X 放弃在巴西的抗争,开始遵守法官的要求 09-23 Elon Musk’s X gives up fight in Brazil, starts complying with judge’s demands (arstechnica.com)
145. 假人工智能 "播客 "在评论我的书,这让我很害怕 09-23 Fake AI “podcasters” are reviewing my book and it’s freaking me out (arstechnica.com)
146. 我们储存的特敏福能否抵御禽流感大流行? 09-23 Can our stockpiles of Tamiflu protect against a bird flu pandemic? (arstechnica.com)
147. 美国将以安全风险为由禁止中国的联网汽车软件和硬件 09-23 US to ban Chinese connected car software and hardware, citing security risks (arstechnica.com)
148. 中国火箭周日险些着陆--视频令人叹为观止 09-23 A Chinese rocket narrowly missed a landing on Sunday—the video is amazing (arstechnica.com)
149. 串联式 OLED 是 OLED 抵御 MicroLED 和 QDEL 的最新武器 09-23 Tandem OLED is OLED’s latest weapon in holding off MicroLED, QDEL (arstechnica.com)
150. 当你给餐厅打电话时,你可能会与人工智能主持人聊天 09-22 When you call a restaurant, you might be chatting with an AI host (arstechnica.com)
152. 欧洲领导层更迭意味着大科技公司面临新对手 09-21 European leadership change means new adversaries for Big Tech (arstechnica.com)
153. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)有一个让国际空间站脱离轨道的好计划--除非俄罗斯从中作梗 09-21 NASA has a fine plan for deorbiting the ISS—unless Russia gets in the way (arstechnica.com)
155. 人类感染浣熊寄生虫的病例可能是您购买喷火器的最佳借口 09-21 Human cases of raccoon parasite may be your best excuse to buy a flamethrower (arstechnica.com)
156. 拆散 Google 如何降低你的网购账单 09-21 How breaking up Google could lower your online shopping bill (arstechnica.com)
157. 秘密计算器黑客将 ChatGPT 引入 TI-84,轻松实现作弊 09-21 Secret calculator hack brings ChatGPT to the TI-84, enabling easy cheating (arstechnica.com)
158. 谷歌呼吁停止使用 WHOIS 进行 TLS 域名验证 09-21 Google calls for halting use of WHOIS for TLS domain verifications (arstechnica.com)
159. 评测面向高级用户的 iOS 18:控制中心、iCloud 等 09-21 Reviewing iOS 18 for power users: Control Center, iCloud, and more (arstechnica.com)
160. 作为美国国家航空航天局(NASA)重返月球计划的一部分,一家公司似乎正在蓬勃发展 09-21 One company appears to be thriving as part of NASA’s return to the Moon (arstechnica.com)
161. 反人类纸牌组织起诉 SpaceX 公司,称其 "入侵 "美国/墨西哥边境土地 09-21 Cards Against Humanity sues SpaceX, alleges “invasion” of land on US/Mexico border (arstechnica.com)
162. Anker 警告人们停止使用部分 iPhone 电源箱,并发布召回公告 09-21 Anker warns people to stop using some of its iPhone power banks, issues recall (arstechnica.com)
163. "不聪明":费城男子报复群聊对手太过分了 09-21 “Not smart”: Philly man goes waaaay too far in revenge on group chat rival (arstechnica.com)
164. 参议院小组以 20-0 的票数通过了对 "医保恐怖分子 "首席执行官的藐视法庭指控 09-21 Senate panel votes 20–0 for holding CEO of “health care terrorists” in contempt (arstechnica.com)
165. "一坨屎......":ISP 的智能电视无法打开,用户很沮丧 09-21 “A total lump of… ”: Customer frustration as ISP’s smart TVs won’t turn on (arstechnica.com)
166. 冰霜朋克 2》范围更广,政治性更强,但仍保留了狡黠、紧张的欢乐氛围 09-21 Frostpunk 2 goes wider and more political but keeps the gritty, stressful joy (arstechnica.com)
167. Starlink 向美国部分地区新用户征收 100 美元 "拥堵费 09-21 Starlink imposes $100 “congestion charge” on new users in parts of US (arstechnica.com)
168. 不会让迎面而来的司机失明的大灯技术--在哪里? 09-21 Headlamp tech that doesn’t blind oncoming drivers—where is it? (arstechnica.com)
169. 北卡罗来纳州州长候选人为种族主义色情论坛帖子辩解:人工智能是捏造的 09-20 NC governor candidate cries AI fabrication as defense for racist porn forum posts (arstechnica.com)
170. 欧洲核子研究中心与俄罗斯断绝关系,将在 12 月前驱逐数百名科学家 09-20 CERN cuts ties with Russia, will expel hundreds of scientists by December (arstechnica.com)
171. 新研究记录了地球 5 亿年来的温度变化 09-20 New study takes the Earth’s temperature over a half-billion years (arstechnica.com)
172. 根据新协议,重新开放的三哩岛将为人工智能数据中心供电 09-20 Re-opened Three Mile Island will power AI data centers under new deal (arstechnica.com)
173. 联合国希望像对待气候变化一样紧迫地对待人工智能 09-20 United Nations wants to treat AI with same urgency as climate change (arstechnica.com)
174. 火箭报告欧洲通信卫星公司的惊人决定;欧洲再次抱怨 SpaceX 公司 09-20 Rocket Report: Eutelsat’s surprising decision; Europe complains about SpaceX again (arstechnica.com)
175. 被控贿赂政府官员的前美国电话电报公司高管宣布审判无效 09-20 Mistrial declared for ex-AT&T exec accused of bribing government official (arstechnica.com)
176. 印度批准开发可重复使用的运载火箭和空间站模块 09-20 India approves development of reusable launcher, space station module (arstechnica.com)
177. 微软发布名为 Windows App 的新 Windows 应用程序,用于运行 Windows 应用程序 09-20 Microsoft releases a new Windows app called Windows App for running Windows apps (arstechnica.com)
178. 如何阻止 LinkedIn 利用你的数据训练人工智能 09-20 How to stop LinkedIn from training AI on your data (arstechnica.com)
179. 有没有想过骗子是如何获得解锁被盗手机的凭证的? 09-20 Ever wonder how crooks get the credentials to unlock stolen phones? (arstechnica.com)
180. 假冒卡马拉-哈里斯视频的制作者马斯克就深度造假法律起诉加州法院 09-20 Creator of fake Kamala Harris video Musk boosted sues Calif. over deepfake laws (arstechnica.com)
181. Fitbit 用户数月来一直在与 "非常令人沮丧 "的应用程序错误作斗争 09-20 Fitbit users struggle with “very frustrating” app bugs for months (arstechnica.com)
182. 生活模仿 xkcd 漫画,佛罗里达团伙从退休人员手中夺走加密密码 09-20 Life imitates xkcd comic as Florida gang beats crypto password from retiree (arstechnica.com)
183. 美国食品和药物管理局称,顺势疗法公司拒绝召回危及生命的鼻腔喷雾剂 09-20 Homeopathic company refuses to recall life-threatening nasal spray, FDA says (arstechnica.com)
184. 经过几十年的争论,实时 Linux 正式成为内核的一部分 09-20 Real-time Linux is officially part of the kernel after decades of debate (arstechnica.com)
185. 30 周年限量版 PS5 和 PS5 Pro 重现 90 年代中期的灰色塑料质感 09-20 30th-anniversary limited-run PS5 and PS5 Pro bring back mid-’90s gray plastic (arstechnica.com)
187. 为数学困惑者提供的通用语言指南 09-20 A handy guide to the universal language for the mathematically perplexed (arstechnica.com)
188. 反作弊更新让《GTA Online》的 Steam Deck 玩家受到冷落 09-20 Anti-cheat update leaves GTA Online’s Steam Deck players out in the cold (arstechnica.com)
189. 微软、贝莱德与阿联酋公司共同发起千亿美元人工智能基础设施基金 09-20 $100 billion AI infrastructure fund launched by Microsoft, BlackRock, UAE firm (arstechnica.com)
190. Cloudflare 帮助巴西封锁埃隆-马斯克的 X 平台,此前该平台曾短暂躲过禁令 09-20 Cloudflare helps Brazil block Elon Musk’s X after platform briefly evaded ban (arstechnica.com)
192. 大众汽车停止 ID.4 的生产和销售。 09-19 Volkswagen halts ID. 4 production and sales due to bad door handles (arstechnica.com)
193. 气候变化可能导致未来干旱时间更长 09-19 Droughts likely to be even longer in the future due to climate change (arstechnica.com)
194. Redwood Materials 公司签署在美国回收宝马电动汽车电池的协议 09-19 Redwood Materials signs deal to recycle BMW’s EV batteries in the US (arstechnica.com)
195. 任天堂和口袋妖怪公司起诉 Palworld 制造商 Pocketpair 09-19 Nintendo, The Pokemon Company sue Palworld maker Pocketpair (arstechnica.com)
196. 新款人工智能社交媒体应用让 "死网理论 "重获新生 09-19 “Dead Internet theory” comes to life with new AI-powered social media app (arstechnica.com)
197. 时隔 20 年,《魔兽世界》将允许玩家进行单人突袭 09-19 After 20 years, World of Warcraft will now let players do solo raids (arstechnica.com)
198. 美国国会的两项法案可能恢复软件和遗传密码的专利权 09-19 Patents for software and genetic code could be revived by two bills in Congress (arstechnica.com)
199. 好莱坞巨头狮门影业(Lionsgate)为人工智能培训提供图书馆,这是一项具有里程碑意义的人工智能交易 09-19 Landmark AI deal sees Hollywood giant Lionsgate provide library for AI training (arstechnica.com)
200. 中国国家大规模物联网僵尸网络四年未被发现--直到现在 09-19 Massive China-state IoT botnet went undetected for four years—until now (arstechnica.com)
201. 真主党对讲机在第二次更致命的袭击中爆炸,造成 14 人死亡 09-19 14 dead as Hezbollah walkie-talkies explode in second, deadlier attack (arstechnica.com)
202. 神话时代重述神话时代》竟然可以用手柄玩 09-19 Age of Mythology: Retold is surprisingly playable with a controller (arstechnica.com)
203. 互联网服务提供商告诉最高法院,他们不想让被控盗版的用户断网 09-19 ISPs tell Supreme Court they don’t want to disconnect users accused of piracy (arstechnica.com)
204. 亚马逊重返办公室引发反弹,工人要求提高工资 09-19 Backlash over Amazon’s return to office comes as workers demand higher wages (arstechnica.com)
205. 罗伯特-帕丁森在《米奇 17》预告片中获得最蹩脚的永生 09-19 Robert Pattinson gets the crappiest immortality in trailer for Mickey 17 (arstechnica.com)
206. 亚马逊以虚假销售价格 "诱骗 "顾客购买 Fire TV:诉讼 09-19 Amazon “tricks” customers into buying Fire TVs with false sales prices: Lawsuit (arstechnica.com)
207. 研究人员发现有史以来最大的黑洞喷流 09-19 Researchers spot largest black hole jets ever discovered (arstechnica.com)
208. 诺如病毒疫情波及著名登山路线,夏威夷登山者报告内脏爆炸 09-19 Hawaii hikers report exploding guts as norovirus outbreak hits famous trail (arstechnica.com)
209. 埃隆-马斯克威胁要起诉美国联邦航空局(FAA),因为联邦调查局建议对 SpaceX 罚款 633,000 美元 09-18 Elon Musk threatens to sue FAA after feds propose fining SpaceX $633,000 (arstechnica.com)
210. 瘫痪的 iPhone 16 具备无线恢复模式,可进行手机对手机抢救 09-18 Bricked iPhones 16 feature wireless recovery mode for phone-to-phone resuscitation (arstechnica.com)
211. 谷歌从欧洲法院获胜,15 亿欧元罚款被推翻 09-18 Google gets win from European court as €1.5 billion fine overturned (arstechnica.com)
212. 特斯拉超级充电站今天向通用电动汽车开放--需要适配器 09-18 Tesla’s Superchargers open up to GM EVs today—adapters needed (arstechnica.com)
214. 苹果在收到 "卡顿 "投诉后暂停为 M4 iPad Pro 推出 iPadOS 18 09-18 Apple pauses iPadOS 18 rollout for M4 iPad Pro after bricking complaints (arstechnica.com)
215. AT&T 向供应商提供客户账单信息,因数据泄露被罚 1300 万美元 09-18 AT&T fined $13M for data breach after giving customer bill info to vendor (arstechnica.com)
216. 陷入困境的莲花汽车展示楔形电动跑车愿景 09-18 Troubled Lotus shows off wedge-like vision for an EV sportscar (arstechnica.com)
217. 谷歌通过新的内容标签系统寻求人工智能时代的真实性 09-18 Google seeks authenticity in the age of AI with new content labeling system (arstechnica.com)
218. TCL 被指控销售没有量子点的量子点电视机 09-18 TCL accused of selling quantum dot TVs without actual quantum dots (arstechnica.com)
219. 制作人恳求不要制作 "攻击性或不恰当 "的《最终幻想 XVI》MOD 09-18 No “offensive or inappropriate” Final Fantasy XVI mods, producer pleads (arstechnica.com)
220. 美国国家航空航天局的一个重要商业伙伴面临严峻的财务挑战 09-18 A key NASA commercial partner faces severe financial challenges (arstechnica.com)
221. Zynga 在热门游戏中使用上世纪 80 年代的专利技术,欠 IBM 4500 万美元 09-18 Zynga owes IBM $45M after using 1980s patented technology for hit games (arstechnica.com)
222. 黎巴嫩同时发生寻呼机爆炸事件,8 人死亡,2,700 人受伤 09-18 8 dead, 2,700 injured after simultaneous pager explosions in Lebanon (arstechnica.com)
223. 俄罗斯国家媒体 RT 因 "外国干涉 "被 Facebook 禁用 09-18 Russian state media outlet RT banned by Facebook “for foreign interference” (arstechnica.com)
224. 加密货币兄弟如何从《Flappy Bird》的创造者手中夺回《Flappy Bird》? 09-17 How crypto bros wrested Flappy Bird from its creator (arstechnica.com)
225. 物理学家在梵高的《星夜》中发现了 "隐藏的湍流 09-17 Physicists discover “hidden turbulence” throughout van Gogh’s Starry Night (arstechnica.com)
226. 研究发现:由于驾驶员需要处理多项任务,驾驶辅助系统成为事实上的自动驾驶仪 09-17 Driver assists become de facto autopilots as drivers multitask, study finds (arstechnica.com)
228. 亚马逊取消远程办公,要求员工每周在办公室工作 5 天 09-17 Amazon kills remote working, tells workers to be in office 5 days a week (arstechnica.com)
229. iOS 18 的新主屏幕功能是灵活性方面期待已久的胜利 09-17 iOS 18’s new home screen features are a long-awaited win for flexibility (arstechnica.com)
230. 谷歌支持私人资助的野火探测卫星星座 09-17 Google backs privately funded satellite constellation for wildfire detection (arstechnica.com)
231. 用户敢于探究 OpenAI 最新模型的 "思想",禁言警告满天飞 09-17 Ban warnings fly as users dare to probe the “thoughts” of OpenAI’s latest model (arstechnica.com)
232. 考古学家认为,这个青铜时代的棋盘游戏是迄今发现的最古老的棋盘游戏 09-17 Archaeologists believe this Bronze Age board game is the oldest yet found (arstechnica.com)
233. 安全启动阉割 PKfail 失败比任何人知道的都要普遍 09-17 Secure Boot-neutering PKfail debacle is more prevalent than anyone knew (arstechnica.com)
234. 造成 9 人死亡的疫情爆发后,野猪头再也不做肝肠了 09-17 Boar’s Head will never make liverwurst again after outbreak that killed 9 (arstechnica.com)
235. 美国不能以安全为由禁用 TikTok,却对 Temu 和其他应用程序视而不见 09-17 US can’t ban TikTok for security reasons while ignoring Temu, other apps (arstechnica.com)
236. 苹果软件在传闻发布会前泄露配备五个 USB-C 端口的新款 Mac mini 09-17 Apple software leaks new Mac mini with five USB-C ports ahead of rumored event (arstechnica.com)
237. 巴西法官没收星链公司现金,以支付对埃隆-马斯克的 X 公司的罚款 09-17 Brazil judge seizes cash from Starlink to cover fine imposed on Elon Musk’s X (arstechnica.com)
238. iOS 18 为主要运营商的 iPhone 带来了 RCS,但预付费计划仍在等待中 09-17 iOS 18 brings RCS to major carrier iPhones, but prepaid plans are still waiting (arstechnica.com)
239. 雷克萨斯巅峰之作--2024 款 RX450h+ 插电式混合动力车性能卓越 09-17 Lexus at its peak—the 2024 RX450h+ is one smooth plug-in hybrid (arstechnica.com)
240. 飞碟 50》是我玩过的最好的复古游戏致敬之作 09-17 UFO 50 is the best retro-gaming homage I’ve ever played (arstechnica.com)
241. 同时发布的还有为不愿升级的用户提供新的 iOS 17 和 macOS 14 更新 09-17 Also releasing today: New iOS 17, macOS 14 updates for the upgrade-averse (arstechnica.com)
244. DirecTV 和迪斯尼结束停播,声称将提供更好的频道套餐 09-17 DirecTV and Disney end blackout, claim they will offer better channel packages (arstechnica.com)
245. 拉里-埃里森说,无所不在的人工智能摄像头将确保良好的行为习惯 09-16 Omnipresent AI cameras will ensure good behavior, says Larry Ellison (arstechnica.com)
246. 那么,我们该如何看待雄心勃勃的私人北极星航天项目呢? 09-15 So what are we to make of the highly ambitious, private Polaris spaceflight? (arstechnica.com)
247. 格陵兰岛史诗般的山体滑坡引发持续九天的奇异地震信号 09-14 Bizarre, nine-day seismic signal caused by epic landslide in Greenland (arstechnica.com)
248. 单肽帮助海星在受到攻击时摆脱肢体的束缚 09-14 A single peptide helps starfish get rid of a limb when attacked (arstechnica.com)
249. 海军舰长不喜欢弃船--但对于 "星际客轮 "来说,船却离开了他们 09-14 Navy captains don’t like abandoning ship—but with Starliner, the ship left them (arstechnica.com)
250. 拜登采取行动打击 Shein 和 Temu,减缓运往美国的货物速度 09-14 Biden moves to crack down on Shein and Temu, slow shipments into US (arstechnica.com)
251. 130万台基于安卓系统的电视盒被破解,研究人员仍不知道原因何在 09-14 1.3 million Android-based TV boxes backdoored; researchers still don’t know how (arstechnica.com)
252. 毒液》最终预告片最后之舞》介绍共生体之神克努尔 09-14 Final trailer for Venom: The Last Dance introduces Knull, god of symbiotes (arstechnica.com)
253. 以下是您不应对肉桂中的铅感到恐慌的原因 09-14 Here’s why you shouldn’t freak out about lead in your cinnamon (arstechnica.com)
254. 谷歌向广大安卓用户推出人工智能语音聊天功能 09-14 Google rolls out voice-powered AI chat to the Android masses (arstechnica.com)
256. 一个紧握肥皂的卡通屁股侵入了我的在线广告 09-14 A cartoon butt clenching a bar of soap has invaded my online ads (arstechnica.com)
257. 波音公司面临损失数十亿美元的风险,33,000 名工人投票支持罢工 09-14 Boeing risks losing billions as 33,000 workers vote to strike (arstechnica.com)
258. Neofetch 结束了,但许多截图系统信息工具已准备就绪 09-13 Neofetch is over, but many screenshot system info tools stand ready (arstechnica.com)
259. 美联航的所有飞机都将提供免费的 Starlink 互联网服务 09-13 Free Starlink Internet is coming to all of United’s airplanes (arstechnica.com)
260. "法西斯分子":埃隆-马斯克回应对 X 造谣的罚款提议 09-13 “Fascists”: Elon Musk responds to proposed fines for disinformation on X (arstechnica.com)
261. 记住食物的来源是小鸟生存的关键 09-13 Remembering where your meals came from key for a small bird’s survival (arstechnica.com)
262. 火箭报告:中国一跃成为火箭再利用大国;目前已有 19 人进入轨道 09-13 Rocket Report: China leaps into rocket reuse; 19 people are currently in orbit (arstechnica.com)
263. 医疗恐怖分子 "首席执行官在参议院未露面后面临蔑视指控 09-13 CEO of “health care terrorists” faces contempt charges after Senate no-show (arstechnica.com)
265. 法院认定研究人员未因识别被操纵的数据而构成诽谤 09-13 Court clears researchers of defamation for identifying manipulated data (arstechnica.com)
266. Unity 将放弃不受欢迎的按安装收取运行时费用的做法 09-13 Unity is dropping its unpopular per-install Runtime Fee (arstechnica.com)
267. OpenAI的新 "推理 "人工智能模型来了:O1-预览版和O1-迷你版 09-13 OpenAI’s new “reasoning” AI models are here: o1-preview and o1-mini (arstechnica.com)
268. "有眼袋的脸 "为统一码 16.0 新表情符号更新定下基调 09-13 “Face with bags under eyes” sets the tone for new Unicode 16.0 emoji update (arstechnica.com)
269. 音乐行业的 20 世纪 90 年代硬盘和所有硬盘一样,正在走向消亡 09-13 Music industry’s 1990s hard drives, like all HDDs, are dying (arstechnica.com)
270. 人工智能聊天机器人可能比人类更善于说服阴谋论者 09-13 AI chatbots might be better at swaying conspiracy theorists than humans (arstechnica.com)
271. 据报道,"梦幻卡丁车 "上瘾者蒂姆-瓦尔兹现在是非官方的 "疯狂出租车 "角色 09-13 Reported Dreamcast addict Tim Walz is now an unofficial Crazy Taxi character (arstechnica.com)
272. 美国对网上枪支零部件销售的调查始于一批标有 "小玩意儿 "的货物 09-13 US sting of online gun part sales started with a shipment marked “fidget spinner” (arstechnica.com)
273. EVgo 和通用汽车揭示新的快速充电器体验 09-12 EVgo and GM reveal their new fast charger experience (arstechnica.com)
274. 知名官员称美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的设施是他们所见过的 "最差的 "设施之一 09-12 Eminent officials say NASA facilities some of the “worst” they’ve ever seen (arstechnica.com)
275. 欧洲隐私监管机构就谷歌用于人工智能培训的数据展开调查 09-12 Europe’s privacy watchdog probes Google over data used for AI training (arstechnica.com)
276. 通用汽车和现代汽车联手降低新车和清洁技术成本 09-12 GM, Hyundai team up to slash costs of new vehicles and clean tech (arstechnica.com)
277. iFixit 的 FixHub 工具想让焊接远离墙上插座 09-12 iFixit’s FixHub tools want to pull soldering away from the wall socket (arstechnica.com)
278. Engo 2 AR 太阳镜让您轻松看清路况 09-12 Keeping your eyes on the road is easy with the Engo 2 AR sunglasses (arstechnica.com)
279. 周四上午,两名私人宇航员进行了太空行走--是的,具有历史意义 09-12 Two private astronauts took a spacewalk Thursday morning—yes, it was historic (arstechnica.com)
281. 量子计算威胁迫在眉睫,微软更新核心加密库 09-12 As quantum computing threats loom, Microsoft updates its core crypto library (arstechnica.com)
282. 安卓应用程序正在阻止侧载,并强制安装 Google Play 版本 09-12 Android apps are blocking sideloading and forcing Google Play versions instead (arstechnica.com)
283. 泰勒-斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)在为卡马拉-哈里斯(Kamala Harris)代言时引用了人工智能的深度伪造技术 09-12 Taylor Swift cites AI deepfakes in endorsement for Kamala Harris (arstechnica.com)
284. 在禁止堕胎的州,绝育手术在多布斯之后激增并持续攀升 09-12 In abortion ban states, sterilization spiked after Dobbs and kept climbing (arstechnica.com)
286. PS5 Pro 终结了游戏机的光驱时代 09-12 The PS5 Pro brings the game console’s disc drive era to an end (arstechnica.com)
287. 古老的复活节岛基因组没有显示人口崩溃的迹象 09-12 Old Easter Island genomes show no sign of a population collapse (arstechnica.com)
288. 分析师警告司法部,谷歌的广告技术帝国可能价值 950 亿美元,而且 "太大",无法出售 09-12 Google’s ad tech empire may be $95B and “too big” to sell, analysts warn DOJ (arstechnica.com)
289. 2024 款大众高尔夫 GTI 是同类产品中最后一款配备手动变速箱的车型 09-12 The 2024 VW Golf GTI is the last of its kind with a manual transmission (arstechnica.com)
290. 星际客 "返回后,波音公司乘员太空飞行项目的未来一片迷茫 09-11 The future of Boeing’s crewed spaceflight program is muddy after Starliner’s return (arstechnica.com)
291. 拟议中的水下数据中心让监管机构大吃一惊,他们从未听说过这个项目 09-11 Proposed underwater data center surprises regulators who hadn’t heard about it (arstechnica.com)
292. 流氓 WHOIS 服务器为研究人员提供了任何人都不该拥有的超能力 09-11 Rogue WHOIS server gives researcher superpowers no one should ever have (arstechnica.com)
293. SpaceX 称监管机构将让星际飞船至少停飞到 11 月 09-11 SpaceX says regulators will keep Starship grounded until at least November (arstechnica.com)
294. 专家警告:人工智能对失业申请的裁决可能会犯下法院无法弥补的错误 09-11 AI ruling on jobless claims could make mistakes courts can’t undo, experts warn (arstechnica.com)
295. "神圣恐怖万岁两名美国公民因经营网上 "恐怖程序集体 "而被指控 09-11 “HAIL HOLY TERROR”: Two US citizens charged for running online “Terrorgram Collective” (arstechnica.com)
296. 由于罕见的神经线路混乱,女子吃一口饭就大汗淋漓 09-11 Woman drips with sweat from a bite of food due to rare nerve-wiring mix-up (arstechnica.com)
297. 华为价值 2800 美元的三折手机,希望人们能真正握住并使用它 09-11 Huawei’s $2,800 trifold phone is a real thing it wants people to hold and use (arstechnica.com)
298. 观看日本鳗鱼从掠食性鱼类的鳃中逃脱 09-11 Watch Japanese eels escape through a predatory fish’s gills (arstechnica.com)
299. "MNT Reform Next "结合了开源硬件和可用性能 09-11 “MNT Reform Next” combines open source hardware and usable performance (arstechnica.com)
300. 索尼发布 PS5 Pro,700 美元图形升级版 11 月 7 日上市 09-10 Sony announces PS5 Pro, a $700 graphical upgrade available Nov. 7 (arstechnica.com)